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Conditional Formatting

Excel supports three different types of conditional formatting: builtins, standard and custom. Builtins combine specific rules with predefined styles. Standard conditional formats combine specific rules with custom formatting. In additional it is possible to define custom formulae for applying custom formats using differential styles.


The syntax for the different rules varies so much that it is not possible for openpyxl to know whether a rule makes sense or not.

The basic syntax for creating a formatting rule is:


dxf <- DifferentialStyle(font=Font(bold=TRUE), fill=PatternFill(start_color='EE1111', end_color='EE1111'))
rule <- Rule(type = 'cellIs', dxf = dxf, formula = list("10"))

Because the signatures for some rules can be quite verbose there are also some convenience factories for creating them. Builtin formats

The builtins conditional formats are:

  • ColorScale
  • IconSet
  • DataBar

Builtin formats contain a sequence of formatting settings which combine a type with an integer for comparison. Possible types are: ‘num’, ‘percent’, ‘max’, ‘min’, ‘formula’, ‘percentile’. ColorScale

You can have color scales with 2 or 3 colors. 2 color scales produce a gradient from one color to another; 3 color scales use an additional color for 2 gradients.

The full syntax for creating a ColorScale rule is:

first = FormatObject(type='min')
last = FormatObject(type='max')
# colors match the format objects:
colors = list(Color('AA0000'), Color('00AA00'))
cs2 = ColorScale(cfvo= list(first, last), color=colors)
# a three color scale would extend the sequences
mid = FormatObject(type='num', val=40)
#colors.insert(1, Color('00AA00'))
colors <- base::append(colors, Color('00AA00')) # using append() from R
cs3 = ColorScale(cfvo=list(first, mid, last), color=colors)
# create a rule with the color scale
rule = Rule(type='colorScale', colorScale=cs3)

There is a convenience function for creating ColorScale rules

rule <- ColorScaleRule(
  start_type='percentile', start_value=10, start_color='FFAA0000',
  mid_type='percentile', mid_value=50, mid_color='FF0000AA',
  end_type='percentile', end_value=90, end_color='FF00AA00')


Choose from the following set of icons: ‘3Arrows’, ‘3ArrowsGray’, ‘3Flags’, ‘3TrafficLights1’, ‘3TrafficLights2’, ‘3Signs’, ‘3Symbols’, ‘3Symbols2’, ‘4Arrows’, ‘4ArrowsGray’, ‘4RedToBlack’, ‘4Rating’, ‘4TrafficLights’, ‘5Arrows’, ‘5ArrowsGray’, ‘5Rating’, ‘5Quarters’

The full syntax for creating an IconSet rule is:

first = FormatObject(type='percent', val=0)
second = FormatObject(type='percent', val=33)
third = FormatObject(type='percent', val=67)
iconset = IconSet(iconSet='3TrafficLights1', cfvo=list(first, second, third), showValue=NULL, percent=NULL, reverse=NULL)
# assign the icon set to a rule
rule = Rule(type='iconSet', iconSet=iconset)

There is a convenience function for creating IconSet rules:

rule = IconSetRule('5Arrows', 'percent', list(10, 20, 30, 40, 50), showValue=NULL, percent=NULL, reverse=NULL)


Currently, openpyxl supports the DataBars as defined in the original specification. Borders and directions were added in a later extension.

The full syntax for creating a DataBar rule is:

first <- FormatObject(type='min')
second <- FormatObject(type='max')
data_bar <- DataBar(cfvo=list(first, second), color="638EC6", showValue=NULL, minLength=NULL, maxLength=NULL)
# assign the data bar to a rule
rule <- Rule(type='dataBar', dataBar=data_bar)

There is a convenience function for creating DataBar rules:

rule <- DataBarRule(
  start_type='percentile', start_value=10, end_type='percentile', end_value='90',
  color="FF638EC6", showValue= NULL, minLength=NULL, maxLength=NULL)

Standard conditional formats

The standard conditional formats are:

  • Average
  • Percent
  • Unique or duplicate
  • Value
  • Rank
wb <- Workbook()
ws <- wb$active

# Create fill
redFill <- PatternFill(start_color='EE1111', end_color='EE1111', fill_type='solid')

# Add a two-color scale
# Takes colors in excel 'RRGGBB' style.
    start_type='min', start_color='AA0000', 
    end_type='max', end_color='00AA00'
# Add a three-color scale
    start_type='percentile', start_value=10, start_color='AA0000',
    mid_type='percentile', mid_value=50, mid_color='0000AA',
    end_type='percentile', end_value=90, end_color='00AA00'
# Add a conditional formatting based on a cell comparison
# addCellIs(range_string, operator, formula, stopIfTrue, wb, font, border, fill)
# Format if cell is less than 'formula'
    operator = 'lessThan', formula = list('C$1'), 
    stopIfTrue = TRUE, fill = redFill
# Format if cell is between 'formula'
    operator='between', formula= list('1','5'), 
    stopIfTrue=TRUE, fill=redFill
# Format using a formula
    formula = list('ISBLANK(E1)'), stopIfTrue=TRUE, fill=redFill

# Aside from the 2-color and 3-color scales, format rules take fonts, borders and fills for styling:
myFont = Font()
myBorder = Border()
    formula=list('E1=0'), font=myFont, border=myBorder, fill=redFill

# Highlight cells that contain particular text by using a special formula
red_text = Font(color="9C0006")
red_fill = PatternFill(bgColor="FFC7CE")
dxf = DifferentialStyle(font=red_text, fill=red_fill)
rule = Rule(type="containsText", operator="containsText", text="highlight", dxf=dxf)
rule$formula = list('NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("highlight",A1)))')
ws$conditional_formatting$add('A1:F40', rule)


Formatting Entire Rows

Sometimes you want to apply a conditional format to more than one cell, say a row of cells which contain a particular value.

formatting <- data.frame(
  "Software" = c("Excel", "openpxyl", "OpenOffice", "Word"),
  "Developer" = c("Microsoft", "Open source", "Apache", "Microsoft"),
  "Version" = c("2016", "2.6", "4.1.4", "2010")

write_xlsx(formatting, "formatting.xlsx")

wb <- load_workbook("formatting.xlsx")
ws <- wb$active

We want to highlight the rows where the developer is Microsoft. We do this by creating an expression rule and using a formula to identify which rows contain software developed by Microsoft.

red_fill <- PatternFill(bgColor = "FFC7CE")
dxf <- DifferentialStyle(fill = red_fill)
r <- Rule(type = "expression", dxf = dxf, stopIfTrue = TRUE)
r$formula <- list('$B1="Microsoft"')
ws$conditional_formatting$add("A1:C10", r)

wb |> save_workbook("formatting.xlsx")


The formula uses an absolute reference to the column referred to, B in this case; but a relative row number, in this case 1 to the range over which the format is applied. It can be tricky to get this right but the rule can be adjusted even after it has been added to the worksheet’s conditional format collection.

This page is an R replica of the related OpenPyXL documentation page.