Félix Luginbühl
I’m a Data Scientist and R Developer. I build tools and apps to automate data analysis, share insights and improve decision making.
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Get Data from the I14Y Interoperability Platform of Switzerland.
The I14Y allows to search and download official Swiss metadata from the I14Y interoperability plateform of Switzerland using its public IOP API and Console API in any language (“en”, “de”, “fr” or “it”).
Create native Microsoft Excel charts directly from R.
The xlcharts package was born from the lack of existing R packages to create native Excel charts and make advanced customization on Microsoft Excel files. It is an R wrapper for the OpenPyXL Python library using the reticulate R package under the hood.
Search and download data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office
The BFS package allows to search and download public data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (BFS stands for Bundesamt für Statistik in German) APIs in a dynamic and reproducible way. It also provides functions to access geodata and ease Swiss mapping.
Animate on scroll any element in R Shiny and R Markdown
With the aos package you can trigger animation effects on scroll on any element of R Shiny and RMarkdown, such as any text or plot, thanks to the ‘AOS’ Animate On Scroll jQuery library.
Add a scroll back to top in R Shiny and R Markdown
With the GoTop R package you can add a scroll back to top Font Awesome icon in R Mmarkdown documents and R Shiny web apps thanks to jQuery library GoTop.
Scroll to any object in your Shiny apps
The scroller R package allows to scroll to any element on the page in Shiny thanks to Arbitrary anchor Javascript library. You can change the animation length, the easing function effect and the scroll off set.
Convert Color Values into Color Names
The colornames R package aims to convert color values into color names using various APIs. You can pass in any valid color and get conversion into any other format, the name of the color, placeholder images and a multitude of schemes.
Animate Shiny and R Markdown content when it comes into view
The package aniview allows to animate Shiny and R Markdown content when it comes into view with the popular animate-css library using jQuery AniView.