R Shiny in Production - Swiss Statistics Meeting 2024


Gave the talk “R Shiny in Production: The St.Gallen Tourism Dashboard” at the Swiss Statistics Meeting 2024 in Aarau.


Félix Luginbühl


September 5, 2024


The Statistical Office of Canton St.Gallen is producing cantonal tourism statistics on a monthly basis since 2005. In 2023, we decided to transition data reporting from static Excel sheets to an interactive R Shiny Dashboard, which we successfully launched in early 2024. At the same time, we made the underlying code publicly available on swissstatsr.org and GitHub1). In this talk, we will share our experience developing an R Shiny Web application using Posit (formerly RStudio) infrastructure and the golem framework and demonstrate how these powerful tools facilitate the release of R Shiny into production.