From St. Gallen into the R-Universe — towards a national collaboration platform for official statistics


Meetup organized by adminR and hosted by the Federal Office of Public Health.


Félix Luginbühl, Jan Wunder


June 6, 2024


In this talk, we will present the new R infrastructure at the Statistical Office of Canton St. Gallen, the current stage of the ongoing R transformation and our vision for the future of official statistics. We will focus on the new R working group within CORSTAT, the conference of the of regional statistical offices in Switzerland — and its role within adminR. The R working group was initiated by the Statistical Offices of Canton St. Gallen and Canton Zürich to further foster collaboration among the 17 participating cantons and cites to better coordinate their nationwide R-transformation. We present the new collaboration platform and its corresponding R-Universe infrastructure for package monitoring and development. Finally, we highlight several ways to join our initiative and to contribute to the open code development for the greater good.