How to Create Interactive Maps with R

Use Case: Swiss maps

Félix Luginbühl


What’s the plan for today?

  1. Access official geographic databases
  2. Join your own data to geographic datasets
  3. Create customized interactive maps (of Switzerland1)

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About me

  • Currently supporting the R tranformation of the Statistical Office of St.Gallen.
  • Worked 2 years as Data Scientist at the Global Fund.
  • Background in social sciences (Master in Sociology and Master in European Studies from the University of Geneva).

Disclamer: I am a self-trained R mapper!1

Online presence:,

How to access geodata?

International level:

European level:

  • Gisco: Eurostat Mapping API.

Country level (Switzerland):

International geodata

Get world data from the Natural Earth Project.

```r .smaller #| echo: true #install.packages(“rnaturalearth”) library(rnaturalearth) library(ggplot2) library(sf)

world <- ne_countries(returnclass = “sf”)

ggplot(world) + geom_sf() + theme_minimal()

## International geodata

You also can access physical geodata with `ne_download()`.

#| echo: true
rivers50 <- ne_download(
  scale = 50,
  type = "rivers_lake_centerlines",
  category = "physical",
  returnclass = "sf")

ggplot(rivers50) +
  geom_sf() +

International geodata

Get national data with “country” argument (“geounit” for metropolitan only):

#| echo: true
swiss <- ne_countries(
  country = "switzerland", 
  scale = 10, #1:10m 
  returnclass = "sf")

ggplot(swiss) +
  geom_sf() +

International geodata

Get “state” (cantonal) level data with ne_states().

#| echo: true
swiss_cantons <- ne_states(
  country = "switzerland", 
  returnclass = "sf")

ggplot(swiss_cantons) +
  geom_sf() +

European geodata

Access Eurostat Mapping API.

#| echo: true

switzerland_sf <- gisco_get_nuts(
  country = "Switzerland", 
  nuts_level = 3, #Counties/provinces/districts
  resolution = "01") #1:1million

ggplot(switzerland_sf) +
  geom_sf() +

Switzerland geodata

Swiss national geoportal (Swiss Stac API) with bfs_get_catalog_geodata().

#| echo: true
library(dplyr) # for glimpse()

#bfs_download_geodata() #download by collection_id
bfs_get_catalog_geodata(include_metadata = FALSE) |> glimpse()

Switzerland geodata

The ThemaKart project gives access to various thematic maps.

A typical base maps ThemaKart file looks like this:

Switzerland geodata

You can access base maps files with bfs_get_base_maps().

#| echo: true
# list of geometry names:
switzerland_sf <- bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "suis")
communes_sf <- bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "polg", date = "20230101")
districts_sf <- bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "bezk")
cantons_sf <- bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "kant")
cantons_capitals_sf <- bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "stkt", type = "Pnts", category = "kk")
lakes_sf <- bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "seen", category = "11")

Switzerland static map with ggplot2

#| echo: true

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = communes_sf, fill = "snow", color = "grey45") + 
  geom_sf(data = lakes_sf, fill = "lightblue2", color = "black") +
  geom_sf(data = districts_sf, fill = "transparent", color = "grey65") + 
  geom_sf(data = cantons_sf, fill = "transparent", color = "black") +
  geom_sf(data = cantons_capitals_sf, shape = 18, size = 3) +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.text = element_blank()) +
  labs(caption = "Source: ThemaKart, © BFS")

Joining data to Swiss geodata

Each observation of your data should be joined to a geodata spatial geometry.

The sf R package (for “Simple Feature”) allows to do it in a tidy way.

#| echo: true

bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "kant") |> glimpse()

Joining data to Swiss geodata

Let’s download an official Swiss dataset with BFS:

r, results = 'hide' #| echo: true #bfs_get_catalog_data() # get catalog # Swiss dataset: swiss_students <- BFS::bfs_get_data( number_bfs = "px-x-1502000000_101", language = "fr", clean_names = TRUE)


Joining data to Swiss geodata

We can then pivot it and calculate share of female students:

#| echo: true

swiss_students_gender <- swiss_students |>
  filter(nationalite_categorie == "Suisse", #only Swiss students
         canton_de_lecole != "Suisse") |> #only cantonal data
  pivot_wider(names_from = sexe, values_from = eleves_et_etudiants) |>
  mutate(share_woman = round(Femme/`Sexe - Total`*100, 1))


Joining data to Swiss geodata

We can then joining our data to the geodata.

#| echo: true
swiss_map <- bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "kant")

dplyr::setdiff(swiss_map$name, unique(swiss_students_gender$canton_de_lecole))

Joining data to Swiss geodata

We need to do some recoding before the left join.

#| echo: true
swiss_student_map <- swiss_students_gender %>%
  filter(canton_de_lecole != "Schweiz") %>% # remove national level
  mutate(canton_de_lecole = str_remove(canton_de_lecole, ".*/"),
         canton_de_lecole = str_trim(canton_de_lecole),
         canton_de_lecole = recode(canton_de_lecole, "Berne" = "Bern", "Freiburg" = "Fribourg", "Grischun" = "Graubünden", "Ticino" = "Tessin", "Wallis" = "Valais")) |>
  left_join(swiss_map, by = c("canton_de_lecole" = "name")) |>
  select(canton_de_lecole, annee, degre_de_formation, share_woman, geometry)


Joining data to Swiss geodata

To ease your work with geodata names, I provided the Swiss official registers.

#| echo: true
#register_bzn, register_dic, register_kt, register_kt_seeanteile
bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "polg", date = "20230101") |>
  inner_join(BFS::register_gde |> 
               filter(GDEKTNA == "Genève"), #only Geneva communes
             by = c("id" = "GDENR")) |>

Interactive Maps with mapview

mapview provides functions to very quickly and conveniently create interactive visualisations of spatial data. It’s main goal is to fill the gap of quick (not presentation grade) interactive plotting to examine and visually investigate both aspects of spatial data, the geometries and their attributes. It can also be considered a data-driven API for the leaflet package as it will automatically render correct map types, depending on the type of the data (points, lines, polygons, raster).


Interactive Maps with mapview

The easy way with mapview (but limited customization).

#| echo: true

bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "bezk") |>
  mapview(zcol = "name", legend = FALSE)

Interactive Maps with mapview

Using mapview with our Swiss students dataset.

#| echo: true
swiss_student_map_pivoted <- swiss_student_map |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = "degre_de_formation", values_from = "share_woman") |>

swiss_student_map_pivoted |>
  filter(annee == "2022/23") |>
  mapview(zcol = "Degré de formation - Total", = "% étudiantes suisses, 2023")

Interactive Maps with mapview

mapview is using Leaflet in the background, which allows to access extra functionality:

#| echo: true
map_2023 <- swiss_student_map_pivoted |>
  filter(annee == "2022/23") |>
  mapview(zcol = "Degré de formation - Total", = "% étudiantes suisses, 2023")

map_2000 <- swiss_student_map_pivoted |>
  filter(annee == "1999/00") |>
  mapview(zcol = "Degré de formation - Total", = "% étudiantes suisses, 2000")

Interactive Maps with mapview

mapview is using Leaflet in the background, which allows to access extra functionality:

#| echo: true

sync(map_2023, map_2000)

Interactive Maps with mapview

mapview is using Leaflet in the background, which allows to access extra functionality:

#| echo: true
latticeView(map_2023, map_2000)

Interactive Maps with mapview

mapview is using Leaflet in the background, which allows to access extra functionality:

#| echo: true
map_2023 | map_2000

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Let’s reproduce this datawrapper map:

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Let’s find the data with bfs_get_catalog_tables().

#| echo: true
tables_names <- BFS::bfs_get_catalog_tables(
  language = "en", 
  title = "last+names")


Interactive Maps with leaflet

Let’s download and read the data.

#| echo: true
asset_names_commune <- tables_names |>
  filter(str_detect(title, "commune")) |>
  pull(number_asset) |>

tmp <- tempfile()

  number_asset = asset_names_commune, 
  destfile = tmp)

df <- read_csv(file = tmp) |>

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Let’s download and read the data.

#| echo: true

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Top 5 by commune by rank and percent:

#| echo: true
df_top_5 <- df |>
  arrange(desc(PCT_GDE)) |>
  group_by(GDENAME) |>
  slice(1:5) |>
  mutate(RANK = row_number()) |> 


Interactive Maps with leaflet

Create html table for each commune

#| echo: true
create_table <- function(name) {
  df <- df_top_5 |> 
    filter(GDENAME == name)

  table <- df |> 
    select("Rank" = RANK, "Last name" = LASTNAME, 
           "Number" = VALUE, "Percentage" = PCT_GDE) |>
    mutate(Rank = paste0(Rank, "."),
           Percentage = paste0(Percentage, "%")) |>
    kableExtra::kable(format = "html", align = "llrr")
    "<b>", unique(df$GDENAME), "</b><br>",

Interactive Maps with leaflet

#| echo: true
create_table(name = "Aadorf")

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Add html table code in the table column.

#| echo: true
df_with_tables <- df_top_5 |> 
  filter(RANK == 1) |>
  mutate(table = map_chr(GDENAME, create_table))

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Get official Swiss base maps.

#| echo: true
communes_sf <- BFS::bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "polg")
lakes_sf <- BFS::bfs_get_base_maps(geom = "seen", category = "11") |>
  sf::st_transform(crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Join our data with geodata.

#| echo: true
sf_communes_joined <- communes_sf |>
  left_join(df_with_tables, by = c("id" = "GDENR")) |>
  sf::st_transform(crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Create a basic leaflet map.

#| echo: true

# customize legend 
bins = c(0, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 100)
col_custom = c("#f5b3bb", "#ef8894","#e85767","#dc0018","#a60013","#73000d")
pal <- colorBin(col_custom, 
                domain = sf_communes_joined$PCT_GDE, 
                bins = bins)
legend_labels <- c("0 – 1", "1 – 2.5", "2.5 – 5", 
                   "5 – 10", "10 – 20", "20 – 100")

map <- leaflet(sf_communes_joined, height = 600, width = 900) |>
    weight = 0.3,
    opacity = 1,
    color = "white",
    fillOpacity = 1,
    fillColor = ~pal(PCT_GDE),
    label = ~lapply(table, htmltools::HTML),
  ) |>
    data = lakes_sf, 
    label = ~name,
    stroke = FALSE,
    color = "gray70"
    ) |> 
    title = "Share of the most<br>common surname, in %", 
    labFormat = function(type, cuts, p) { paste0(legend_labels) },
    values = ~PCT_GDE,
    pal = pal, 
    opacity = 1

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Create a basic leaflet map.

#| echo: true

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Adding bounding box, empty background and fix zooming.

#| echo: true
# get bounding box of Switzerland
bbox <- st_bbox(sf_communes_joined) |>

map_final <- map |>
  addTiles(urlTemplate = "", # empty background
           options = providerTileOptions(minZoom = 8, maxZoom = 12)) |>
  setMaxBounds(lng1 = bbox[1], lat1 = bbox[2], 
               lng2 = bbox[3], lat2 = bbox[4]) |>
  leaflet.extras::setMapWidgetStyle(style = list(background = "transparent"))

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Adding bounding box, empty background and fix zooming.

#| echo: true

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Add map in a card with title and legend.

#| echo: true

card <- card(
  tags$h5("The Five Most Frequent Last Names by Commune, 2022"),
  tags$i("Hover to display the five most common surnames (actual number and percentage) by commune."),
    "Source: FSO – STATPOP, inspired by:", 
           href = "")),
  tags$p("Get the R code:", 
                href = "")),
  min_height = 800, 
  max_height = 800

Interactive Maps with leaflet

Add map in a card with title and legend.

#| echo: true

Any questions?

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Thank you for your attention!