Use AniView
- animateThreshold
integrer. +ve numbers delay the animation sequence until the specified number of pixels have come into view. -ve numbers will trigger the animation sequence prior to the element coming into view.
- scrollPollInterval
integrer. frequency at which user scrolling is 'polled' i.e. tested. This is in milliseconds and is an extension to jQuery's in-built 'scroll' event/handler.
- use_cdn
boolean. TRUE to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN), true by default, or false to use locally stored files.
if (interactive()) {
ui = fluidPage(
use_aniview(), # add use_aniview() in the UI
aniview(h1("Shiny with AniView"), animation = "fadeInUp"),
aniview(textOutput("text"), animation = "zoomIn")
server <- function(input, output, session){
output$text <- renderText({ print("An animated text.") })
#> Listening on
#> [1] "An animated text."