Get dataset distributions by identifier
Get dataset distributions by identifier
i14y_get_dataset_distributions(identifier = "HCL_NOGA", language = "en")
#> accessUrl availability byteSize checksum
#> 1 https://www.kubb-tool.bfs.admin.ch/, NA NA NA NA
#> conformsTo coverage documentation downloadUrl
#> id identifier image language license
#> 1 d648590f-37cc-45aa-a1bf-99007efc45cc NA NULL de, fr, it, en NA
#> mediaType modified packagingFormat releaseDate rights
#> 1 NA NA NA 2008-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 NA
#> spatialResolution status temporalResolution description.cultureCode
#> 1 NULL NULL NA en
#> description.text
#> 1 The General Classification of Economic Activities (NOGA) presents the universe of economic activities partitioned in such a way that a NOGA code can be associated with a statistical unit carrying them out. The NOGA is the national version of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE). The NOGA is structurally linked to NACE for the third and fourth levels. NACE is structurally linked to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) for the first and second levels.
#> format.cultureCode format.text title.cultureCode
#> 1 en HTML en
#> title.text
#> 1 General Classification of Economic Activities – NOGA